Latest Updates & Release Notes
Core :
What’s New
- Updates to the flooding alarm tool tip text.
- Updated table radius and column heights.
- Device Monitor updated filter layout
- Bypass Monitor - Sync maintenance added
- Bypass sync backend updated as well
- Energy KPI card persistence added
- Energy Sankey diagram improvements including Units on nodes.
- Energy resource filter added.
- Updated work with camelCase for
- Alert Monitor delay analytics
- General repo
- Operator Actions
- Control Performance live status mapping endpoint updated.
- Configuration Page, updating of displayed timezone now available.
Bug Fixes
- Device Monitor, popup label shortening fixed
- Energy, pop up bar chart overview issue fixed
- Control Performance, card stacking data issue fixed
Core :
What’s New
- Operator Actions - filter messaging improvements for not data
- Alarm Monitor - improvements to UI for bar chart axis's
- Alarm Monitor - new alarm delay analysis implemented
- General improvements on the configuration page and plant area/DCS filter drop down
- General improvements to UI elements to bring components to our standards.
- Energy Flow Overview page creation
- Alarm Monitor - general bug fixes on overview page and flooding alarm pages.
- Operator Actions - Repetitive actions improvements and adjustments
- Fixed badge color to match Tailwind rules
Core :
What’s New
- Repetitive actions has a new page UX/UI to enable better understanding and ranking of opportunities
Core :
What’s New
- Pop up modal charts have been changed to bar charts that will show what level of time
- Energy application removed overview option from the main chart on the detail page.
- Alarm monitor ingressors and egressors have been updated and improved.
- Energy application input alignment fixes.
- Admin pages had some colors that were not part of our standards.
- Alarm monitor and bypass monitor tooltips were not the correct colors for dark mode
- Control Performance on the overview page, exclude user input has a deselect all option now.
Core :
What’s New
- Control Performance tool tip text has been updated
- Control Performance KPI card hover new metrics shown.
- Filter Change plant area has been changed to unit.
- Live status page for Active Bypasses has been added
- Integration of Operator actions completed
Core :
Bug Fixes
- Darkmode tool tip fix for Operation Metrics
- Darkmode tool tip fix for admin pages
- Back button behavior fix for on alert trends card DeviceMonitor
Core :
What’s New
- Control Performance detail graph upgrade(pan, zoom, re-fetch data)
- Node 22 upgrade
Bug Fixes
- Several fixes on how NaN are handled in alert monitor
- APC monitor card stacking onto of each other
- Loop details PV distribution label fixes
- Health tree scores, tool tips now how all calculations
Core :
What’s New
- Bypass Monitor charts axis are now dynamic and will adjust to large totals.
- Control performance, new options for filtering loops by status (ie OOS, MAN, AUTO...)
- Popup models on tool tips improved locations to minimize text cut-off.
- Combining color and chat themes across pages for improved visual consistency.
- Stale alarms now sum up time alarm is stale.
- Control Performance and Device monitor charts now are left aligned
- Alarm KPI's will show no data when we can't calculate because there is no data.
- Improved security and token authentication for our endpoints
Bug Fixes
- Chart button states updates
- Health status card for standard on the ISA 18.2 fixed to match the standard
- Improved stability on backend recovery when cloud services are restarted.
- Active bypasses total graph now starts at the start of the day.
- Control Performance chart loop detail filter choosing the 1st loop has been fixed.
- Table dropdowns color discrepancy fixed.
Core :
What’s New
- The health scores x axis's are now dynamic and they will pull 100 points
- Control Performance mode changes - data fetching interpolation fix.
- tree charts now have improved UX/UI and filter
- improvements made on day filter selections (last 7days now picks the previous 7days including the current date)
- Added legends to multiple charts in Operation Metrics and improved functionality of the legend.
- DCS area filter added to multiple Operation metrics pages.
Bug Fixes
- Updates to tooltip cutoffs on flooding alarms
- Visual gap fixes in the date picker
- Chart fixes on bypass monitor and control performance
- Mobile UI functionality fixes.
Core :
What’s New
- Datetime filter persistence in our Demo systems
- Added module description on bypass tool tips
- Added standard tool tips for control performance.
- OT support improvements with KPI's total assets KPI card
- OT support device tag filters added
- Control Performance back button from details filter persistence added
Bug Fixes
- OT support pop up model for device types adjusted to show associated devices.
- Bypass status calculation KPI bug fix
- Information tool tip colors and locations have been standardized across the application.
Core :
What’s New
- If no control loop is selected on the loop details page, the first loop will be selected by default.
- Improved organization of donut charts for a better user experience.
- General visual enhancements across multiple applications
- Updated the front end to have the site/zone drop-downs
Bug Fixes
- Updated cookie policy pop-up on mobile view
- Standardized chart filter back buttons
- Copyright text colliding fixed
Core :
What’s New
- Ingressor and Egressor addition for Foxboro
- Updated functionality with bypass monitoring
- Control Performance loop exclusion options added
- New OSI Pi connector added for egress
- added search to drop down for facility
Bug Fixes
- Control Performance data range bug crash.
- Mobile nav bar rendering improvements
- Bar graph rounded corners removed.
- APC site filter stability improvements
Core :
What’s New
- Updated darkmode input outlines
- Added simulated plant data to our demo system.
- Bypass monitor updates to duration and frequency visuals
Bug Fixes
- OT support tag names don't truncate anymore
- Multiple bookmark feature usability improvements
Security Updates
- Several security updates applied to the backend.
Core :
What’s New
- Added data for the "Simulated Gas Plant Demo"
Core :
What’s New
- Added data mapping for Foxboro in bypass monitor
- DCS area has been added as an option to filter in multiple applications.
- Site and Zone filters are now maintained when switching between products.
- Control Performance detailed trend line chart now has adjustable min max options.
- Bypass monitor updated column table to show 2 decimal places, and added count by in front of tool tips for Plant Hierarchy, Device Type, and Site Users.
- Bookmark feature now available
Bug Fixes
- Vertical bar chart overflow fixed, updated UI
- APC Process variable visual setting and reset buttons are now rendering the correct locations.
- APC line graph in report view not showing the line graph has been fixed
- Condition monitoring, with valvelink, updated configuration preventing loading of pages.
Core :
What’s New
- OT Support - updated chart in increase sort by options. Snooze buttons have been disabled.
- Control Performance updates
- Allow drill down to loop details by clicking on the bar chart y-axis loop names. Similar to the tree map
- Loop Details, update text in donut chart to say “Percentage of time spent in different modes”
- Loop Details: Grey out device alerts overlay for now since the feature is currently not supported.
- Live Status: Add “does not contain” and “not equal to” to the data grid filters.
- Upgraded control performance data processing capabilities to pull larger amounts of data.
- General upgrades to data fetching
- Alert Monitor KPI chart units updated
Bug Fixes
- Control Performance time series chart fixes
- Control Performance doughnut chart fixes on live view
- Updated the multi-select filter widget
Core :
What’s New
- Enhanced date scroller UX in mobile view.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the multi-select filter widget was not working.
Core :
Security Updates
- This release provides security updates. Upgrading is recommended.
What’s New
- Increased flexibility to identify bypasses in different ways.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the multilevel donut chart would could apply the filters erroneously, when the user would perform a quick double click on a donut section.
Core :
What’s New
- When users changed the start and end time filters on the Overview page, it can sometimes trigger a large data pull and take a while. We made it more obvious that the dashboard is fetching data.
- Minor improvements to the donut chart code, so that the pie chart filter state is only changed when necessary. This doesn’t affect visually, only in terms of performance and state changes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the multilevel donut chart would could apply the filters erroneously, when the user would perform a quick double click on a donut section.
Core :
What’s New
- General upgrades to donut chart
- General upgrades to data fetching
- Software version is now displayed in the software, under the Feedback tab.
- Removed the null option from all filter search bars
- Fixed an issue where the pop-up text on the KPI page was not visible in dark mode
- Condensed the display of large numbers on the KPI page for a cleaner UI
- Data fetching when switching sites/zones is more consistent.
- Improve the device monitor components' data loading state.
- Added Configuration page to Valve Monitor dashboard
- Donut charts can now be used to filter the data presented on the page for Pump Monitor and ValveLink
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the text for the cookie policy was invisible in dark mode.
- General UI updates
- Fixed an issue where the Live Monitoring page was fetching data two times.
- Fixed an issue where moving to the Loop Details page using the tree map did not update the side navigation bar.
- Fixed an issue where moving from the Loop Details page back to the Overview page using the back button did not update the side navigation bar.
Core :
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the flood % time calculation.
- General improvements in handling large (50,000+) number of alarms
Core :
What’s New
- All filters are now searchable
- Upgraded what's under the hood considerably for much faster loading speeds
- Connecting to Foxboro distributed control systems is now possible!
- Connecting to ABB 800xA distributed control systems is now possible!
- Added filtering capabilities to the donut charts on the Live Status page.
- First release of the Pump Monitor!!
- First release of the Valve Link!!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the filter pop-up will temporarily disable the scroll bar
- Fixed an issue in the filters where the REMOVE ALL button was not appearing on the Live Status page
- Fixed an issue where flipping cards will sometimes cause text overlap.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the row content would break to a new line.
- Fixed an issue where the flipping cards height would not readjust based on the window resize.
- Fixed an issue where the Overview pop-up would sometimes be blocked by the side navigation bar.
Core :
What’s New
- Added more explicit error catching, and a support email to help you if something goes wrong.
- General UI/UX upgrades
- Condensed the display of large numbers on the KPI page for a cleaner UI
- Updated KPI calculations to average only on days where there is data
- Dates where data is not available are omitted from the average KPI scores
- Pop-up for the Process Variables chart now appears closer to the line.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with the flood % time calculation.
- General improvements in handling large (50,000+) number of alarms
- Fixed an issue where the table filters were not visible in dark mode.
- Updated KPI calculations to average only on days where there is data
- Dates where data is not available are omitted from the average KPI scores
- Fixed an issue where text would magically shift on certain flip cards
- Fixed a issue where Number of Alerts card would not give the appropriate feedback to the user during data loading.
Core :
What’s New
- Removed redundant alerts in the list of active alerts
- Alert Clear alerts are no longer added to the database
- Added feature to allow custom logos in the BlueMarvel dashboards
- Dark mode is now the default for all dashboards
- Removed redundant bypasses in the active bypass list
- Users can now define what is a Good, Warning, and Danger amount of bypass alarms.
- Default: Good is 0 Warning is 1 - 5
- Danger is more than 5 bypasses
- Added Operator ID to the Bypass Monitor Bypass table
- Added back button on Loop Details page to take the user back to the Overview page
- Removed redundant alerts in the list of active alerts
- Alert Clear alerts are no longer added to the database
Bug Fixes
- Removed redundant alerts in the list of active alerts
- Fixed a bug where high, medium, and low priority alarms are displaying the same alarms
- Fixed a bug where the Flooding Time Percentage Trend chart would display the percentage incorrectly
- Fixed a bug where flipping cards to show the highest score achieved caused the description to shift slightly.
- Fixed an issue with selecting and de-selecting tags in the Process Variable Editor